Successful Fear of Crime Roadshow

5 Mar 2018

What a week for AGE North Down & Ards (AGEnda); 5 venues, hundreds of people, thousands of sandwiches and lots of conversation. AGEnda’s Fear of Crime programme was delivered across Ards & North Down last week, and the feedback has been great so far. The programme provided advice and information on how older – and younger people – could take simple steps to protect themselves from crime, scams and feel less lonely. 

The events took place in Newtownards, Holywood, Bangor, Comber and Portaferry. In addition to new audiences and new schools being involved, three new venues (Holywood Library, Comber Leisure Centre and Portaferry Hotel) were used. AGEnda also used a new approach, using a video sketch (that created much laughter!) and quizzes.

 AGEnda was well supported by the PSNI who had Neighbourhood Inspectors and Crime Prevention Officers at each event. As well as the Station Commander from NI Fire & Rescue Service, and representatives from PCSP, Ards & North Down Community Safety Team, Good Morning Call, Home Accident Prevention, Restorative Justice, Safe & Well Community Care, Volunteer Now, AGE NI, and Street Pastors. This highlighted the range of partners out there who work together to help people, especially older people, feel safe.

 Bringing all these people together made it much easier for older people to learn about the help they can get and ask questions. The sessions also gave older people a voice and highlighted potential scams and how to tackle them. Most older people had been contacted by nuisance phone calls, scam texts, letters or emails within the last few months. However, people had been able to show how they had stopped nuisance calls completely; and this information was shared between all the groups.

 The events have surpassed all outcomes so far and were managed and facilitated by McGarry Consulting. AGEnda are grateful for all those who supported and attended the events, especially Councillor Scott Wilson (Chair, PCSP) who was at every event and Mayor, Councillor Robert Adair.

 AGEnda will have a short summary video, list of tips and key contact numbers on their website soon for people who were unable to get to the events. AGEnda provide a wide range of support and services for older people throughout Ards & North Down. To learn more about AGEnda, please call 028 9127 1968 or email: